Saturday, March 28, 2009

Do You Have any questions?

One of the good parts about a blog is the interaction with the readers. I enjoy reading the comments and then responding if appropriate. The comments are moderated but that is only to weed out the obscene or the obvious advertisements and spam. So far there has been no edited or deleted comments.

Now its your turn. Please send me questions or comments. If there is some part of the tax law that you want some information on, please let me know. I have a good source of subjects from my practice but could always use a fresh perspective. You can comment on this blog or you can send questions to


Unknown said...

Thank you for your blog. I know I will find it informative. I have been in businesses before, but they never lasted. I have a dumb question. What is a deduction? For example, is my website and business cards deductions that I can claim on my taxes? How does it help?

Thom said...

Hi Nizam

Thanks for your question. From a business perspective, a deduction is any expense that you can use (or deduct) from your income to reduce your taxes. So, as a business person, you can deduct your website and business cards. you also can deduct other supplies, the business use of your automobile or home. Check you the blog that I just posted. It has a lot of these items listed out.
